Preparing for the Interview
Once you have an interview lined up, you should learn everything possible about the hiring executive, the company, and its products. You should also develop a list of questions to ask and prep yourself for questions that are likely to be asked of you. Plan on several hours of preparation for each face-to-face interview that you schedule. One successful candidate I worked with spent two weeks in preparation. It resulted in an $240,000 a year offer in today's dollars. This was more than a 100 percent increase over his former salary when he was working - and he was out of work at the time.
Accept every interview offered, unless you are offered so many that time forces you to pick and choose. And by the way, that has happened to many who have employed these methods. One of my students couldn't get a single interview. After he stopped sending out resumes to human resource departments and started sending sales letters to decision-makers, he wrote that he had to start turning interviews down.
Even if you are pressed for time, you should try to make every single interview you can. Schedule two interviews or more a day if you have to. Remember, interviews and interviews alone will get you job offers. Also, if you apply yourself, you will get better with every interview. By the end of your campaign you will be getting job offers you would not have received when you first started interviewing. Finally, you will learn more about the job and whether you really want it from the interview than from any other source (short of actually working for the company).